Unlocking Clarity: 80th Birthday Visualisation
Without a vision for what you want to create in life, it’s hard to know what bets to place and where to direct your energy and focus. Instead, you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, swept away by immediate priorities, forgetting to reflect on the bigger picture.

Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Perfectionism?
The need to be seen by others as perfect can be a relentless and exhausting mission. By understanding perfectionistic thoughts, emotions and behaviours, you can start to unpack how you show up to help determine if you are stuck in a cycle of perfectionism.

10 Tips to Close a Coaching Session
An effective closing sequence should allow the coachee space to reflect on their session's insights and an opportunity to create commitments and momentum to move forward. Here are 10 of our favourite tips for closing a coaching conversation.

10 Tips to Open a Coaching Session
Creating a sense of certainty and structure is key for opening effective coaching conversations, as you navigate towards defining the goal, or priority, for the session. Here are 10 of our favourite techniques for opening a coaching conversation.

How to Coach With the CIA Model
The Control Influence Accept (CIA) Coaching Model is a stress-management framework to help you pause, evaluate a situation, reframe your perceived levels of control, and ultimately move forward with an increased sense of calmness.

How to Shift From ‘Doing’ to ‘Being’
The BE-DO-HAVE Coaching Model helps reframe your focus from 'doing' to 'being'. As a framework, it puts ‘mindset’ at the heart of the conversation and prompts consideration of attitudes, values and beliefs that may best support you in reaching your goals.